Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Let's Extensively Raise Goats In All Families

One of the by-products of blogging is that you often find your self with extra bits, bobbles and scraps left over from previous posts. For various reasons these images just didn't work. Some leftovers though are too tasty to be discarded and they are even better if you share them.

Unknown, American, 1920's

Iranian Kool-Aide poster

North Korean propaganda poster. Translation: "Lets extensively raise goats in all families."

North Korean propaganda poster. I do not know the translation for this one. It's either illustrating a solution to how soldiers might deal with babies that have soiled diapers or it's describing the satanic like cruelty of the American military. Not sure which. You decide.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You put the greatest images on this blog! Thanks,