It would surprise no one that the George Eastman House has a terrific collection of photographs. The subjects, genres and photographers in the collection are varied and representative of many of the periods from the short history of the medium. What surprises me is that the George Eastman House chose to put much of it on flickr. Will some one please sell Flickr a vowel? You can see the collection on Flickr HERE. If some one can convince me that Flickr is anything but a bottomless, photo soul sucking, over populated, dumping ground, I am all ears.
Anonymous, Portrait of young man in red shirt, smoking a clay pipe, 1850
Anonymous, Portrait of unidentified man wearing unusual hat, 1855
Eli W. Buel, Top Hat, 1870
William M. Vander Weyde, Solid Air Experiments, 1901-1904
Charles C. Zoller, Orchid, 1907-1932
William M. Vander Weyde, Hippos in the new York Zoo, 1900
William M. Vander Weyde, Jiu-Jitsu for Women, 1900
Charles C. Zoller, Foolish House, Ontario Beach Park, 1910
Alvin Langdon Coburn, Gertrude Stein, 1913
Nickolas Muray, Woman in cell, playing solitaire, 1950

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