If so, you are in luck because, "yeah, there's an app for that." Did I download it out of curiosity? Guilty as charged. An iPhone application called "Offender Locator" allows you to put in your zip code and instantly find all of your local, convicted sex offenders. I can't help but think that this is some weird shit to want to have on your phone! The app swiftly produces an impressive rogue's gallery of mug shots and pedigree info on all of your known, neighborhood perverts. I was Immediately relieved to not see anyone that I know. I was also quickly taken a back by how many offenders live near by. Even more surprising was that I half expected the mug shots to depict mostly average looking, generic types of people. You know, "you can't judge a book by it's cover", etc, etc... But, to be honest, most of these guys looked like, well... like sex offenders! I mean if I was casting this part for a movie these folks would all get called back.

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